What happens if i die in a lucid dream

But, many people are worried that if they learn to lucid dream they may somehow be in danger. The most common concern associated with lucid dreaming is dying in the real world because you die in the dream. Is there any basis of fact in this worry? Can you die in a lucid dream? While you can die in a lucid dream as part of the dream, this will have no effect on your physical sleeping body. Lucid dreams cannot kill you. Dying in a lucid dream has no effect on your body other than causing it to wake up.

However, dying in a lucid dream can have some unwanted effects on the mind. There are a lot of misconceptions about lucid dreaming. Although a similar, but much less intense and non-dangerous, phenomenon can happen with false awakenings as I covered in this article , you cannot get lost in dream nor will you become confused between reality and the dreamworld. When it comes to dying in the dreamworld there are even more misconceptions and these usually stem from films like A Nightmare on Elm Street.

When the villain of the film, Freddy Krueger , kills someone in their dreams they die in real life. Although a very fun and entertaining film that was a blockbuster hit this movie has zero basis in reality as far as dreams are concerned. Anything that happens in the dreamworld will have no effect on your sleeping body. The subconscious mind of the dreamer is well aware that the person is experiencing a dream and that everything which is occurring is happening within the mind.

In reality your subconscious mind, which creates the dream world and all the dream characters even in a lucid dream , has only one job to do and that is to keep you safe. So, it is not going to try to kill you just because you have a bad dream.

There is no physical harm that can come to you from dreaming whether the dreams be regular or lucid. There is a belief among many people that if you hurt your body during a lucid dream it will result in some form of visible physical evidence, or even damage, to your real body. This is simply not true. I blame this belief on misconceptions about hypnosis. Let me explain.

There is still much that is unknown about lucid dreams. However, researchers have seen that the prefrontal cortex activity levels of a person who is engaged in lucid dreaming are comparable to levels when they are awake. Additionally, most lucid dreaming takes place during rapid eye movement REM sleep, the fourth and final stage of sleep. It is safe to lucid dream? There's a lot of debate over whether inducing lucid dreams is beneficial or harmful. Some people report experiencing wish fulfillment, overcoming fears, and healing during lucid dreaming.

Some researchers believe that this type of dreaming blurs the lines between dreaming and reality, which can have negative implications for one's long-term mental health. It's also potentially disruptive to sleep, which can lead to a poorer quality of sleep. How Cthulhu Works. Sources Alexander, Jamie. Cite This! Try Our Crossword Puzzle! What Is the Missing Number? Try Our Sudoku Puzzles! Experiencing sleep paralysis Sleep paralysis is actually a normal and natural process.

Can lucid dreaming lead to sleep paralysis? Dying in a dream is something that a lot of people are worried about. The possible outcomes are — you might wake up in your bed, or inside of another dream.

Dreams of death can actually be insightful experiences about life, rebirth, and transcendence. Moreover, many people are reporting that they have dreams in which they are dying. But the most common outcome is — waking up. Being trapped in a dream forever is simply science fiction, possible in the movies.

By becoming better at lucid dreaming, you can even wake up on demand. But for the majority of people, lucid dreams are not addictive. Lucid dreaming is more of an actual hobby. It is exciting, and it is possible to crave for more lucid dreams.

THAT might be definitely dangerous. Imagine that you have a lucid dream in which you are flying around, running, exploring, etc. But what about mentally exhausting? Especially if they are emotional or anxiety-producing dreams.

You might think that is something amazing and it is a truly a gift. However, some of them often complain of feeling tired and overwhelmed. So, finally, it all adds up to this: The types of lucid or non-lucid dreams that are full of emotional energy, confusing and psychologically disturbing, can be tiring and mentally exhausting. Most of the lucid dreamers are not coming across any terror at all. Lucidity was seven times more likely to make nightmares better than worse.

Now you should be relaxed, and knowing how to start learning how to lucid dream safely! In order to do that you can check some of my best articles for inducing a lucid dream:. Next Post.

Comments 33 Philipps says:. Luna Moonglow says:. Lucid Dream Society says:. Bitter Butter says:. Desiree Garrow says:. Swapnil says:. Rachel Appleton says:. Alexis Trujillo says:. Sarah says:. Anika says:. Stan says:. Amber says:. I am the exact same way Sarah!!! Cat says:. Khayri says:. Kat says:. Thomas says:. Jayce says:. Same In my nightmares I being tortured Nd I wake up with the pain.

Danielle says:. Jasper says:. Aspen says:. Nikki says:. Go for hypnotherapy. Crystal says:. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Lucid Dreaming in the Dying Process Lucid dreaming gives us clarity about our emotions and fears. When facing death, we can transform emotions and resolve deep-seated fears by working with dream imagery while lucid.

The same works for those whose loved one is dying or dead. These experiences can help people to feel more serene about what death may hold. For many, floating lucidly in dream space tends to result in the feeling that consciousness can exist independently of the physical body, and a more positive outlook on death.

Lucid dreaming can act as a kind of inner therapy, and unresolved life issues can be worked through by engaging consciously with dream figures, asking the dream questions, and enabling healing and transformation within the dream state.

Helen Sherman on January 24, at pm. Dr Clare Johnson on January 24, at pm. Warmest wishes, Clare Reply. Paula on October 11, at pm. An then woke up an felt so tearful Reply. Dr Clare Johnson on October 19, at am. Wishing you courage and joy, Clare Reply. Larry Vanselow on April 6, at am. Submit a Comment Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Search for:.

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