What is patient safety

Advancing Patient Safety. Advancing Patient Safety Beyond the Hospital. Chartbook on Patient Safety. Demonstration Grants Final Evaluation Report. Health Care Simulation to Advance Safety. Healthcare Simulation Dictionary. Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture. New Tools for Ambulatory Patient Safety. Patient Safety Tools. Potential Measures for Clinical-Community Relationships. Project ECHO. Related Research Studies. Bridging the feedback gap: a sociotechnical approach to informing clinicians of patients' subsequent clinical course and outcomes.

Back to Top. Find out more about patient safety and human factors interventions : communication; leadership; safety culture; stress and fatigue; teamwork and work environment. Search Menu. Nursing careers resource Nursing Support Workers Nursing Workforce Standards Partnership learning agreements Practice based learning Principles of nursing practice Professional services.

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Nutrition and hydration Older people Patient safety and human factors Public health Safeguarding Safety in numbers Supporting behaviour change Women's health. Library Books, journals and databases Subject Guides. Exhibitions and Events Support. Archives About us. Sick leave and sick pay Statements, investigations and discipline Your contract Your pay Working time, health and safety.

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Diversity and inclusion Work for us Working with us. Patient safety and human factors. Patient safety is an essential part of nursing care that aims to prevent avoidable errors and patient harm. Patient safety is a feature of a healthcare system and a set of tested ways for improving care. Staff can apply these safety improvement methods to make systems of care more reliable.

We are focusing our efforts in three key areas: Developing a culture of safety We see attitudes and behaviours that discourage staff from learning from preventable incidents. Designing for reliability We can make healthcare more reliable. Patient safety and human factors A human factors approach to patient safety starts with an understanding of the things that support or hinder the way people work. Thinking about people, thinking about systems We need better system design.

But it is also the way teams work together and the culture that influences how they act. Patient safety and human factors interventions Find out more about patient safety and human factors interventions : communication; leadership; safety culture; stress and fatigue; teamwork and work environment. Patient safety and human factors Professional Resources Policies Consultations Professional lead for patient safety and human factors: Ross Scrivener.

The human factors model We often see people struggling to adapt to poor design. This graphic, based on LMQ human factors model, helps to explain what this means. The red circle contains those actions or omissions that impact performance. These actions impact on practice.


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