What type of ownership is oxfam
And with a distinct lack of access to finance, markets, resources and knowledge, farmers, poor households, and particularly women, struggle to establish and grow a thriving business.
We negotiate with a local bank, providing the necessary guarantee to facilitate bank lending to the enterprise and help entrepreneurs to access practical business training, mentoring and market networks.
Importantly, we support all our entrepreneurs to the point where they can stand alone. In the pineapple-growing cooperative of Tuzamurane in Rwanda used the loan they gained from EDP to invest in improving its production and attain organic certification, while increasing its supplier base.
With additional support from the EDP team, this co-operative now exports organic dried pineapple internationally, and its revenues have increased tenfold, enabling it to further invest in both empowering its people and further growing its business. When individuals or multinational corporations place their wealth in tax havens or exploit weaknesses in the system, they avoid paying taxes in the countries where they do business and make profits. This deprives governments of much-needed funds for education, healthcare and vital services such as access to safe water.
Ultimately, it prevents people, particularly the most vulnerable, from achieving their basic human rights and an adequate standard of living.
Women suffer the most, often filling the gaps in public services with many hours of unpaid care. Oxfam encourages governments to work together to create a fair global tax system and bring an end to tax havens. Companies should pay a fair share of tax, which may exceed legal obligations, in every country where they benefit from economic activity, report transparently and undergo regular audits of tax incentives and reliefs, which helps to establish the extent to which corporate presence is really helping to advance sustainable development.
To support our advocacy efforts, Oxfam conducts research and promotes existing research to demonstrate the human rights and development benefits of fairer tax systems. Together with other NGOs and trade unions, we have worked with the UK government to push for more ambitious corporate governance reforms.
Find out how Oxfam is working towards a future where businesses play a leading role in overcoming poverty. As part of our work to eradicate poverty and hunger, we want to empower smallholders to improve their livelihoods, ideally to achieve a living income, and access sufficient, nourishing food for their families.
Affiliate Business Meetings will be convened as required and is a space in which Affiliates collectively agree on matters that will directly or indirectly impact on their individual legal and fiduciary obligations. Composed of Affiliate representatives, it decides on matters relating to constitutional amendments, financial contributions from affiliates to the global organization, and the admission of new Oxfam affiliates, amongst others. As an organization, we are committed to holding ourselves accountable and being transparent in all areas of our work.
Accountability is essential to good governance, and it helps us improve. We have a responsibility to our donors, partners, allies, supporters, staff and volunteers, regulatory bodies and, in particular, the communities with whom we work. Not just in principle but in practice as we constantly evaluate our work learn how to do things better next time.
We share our findings and support our partners in building their own robust systems to monitor, evaluate, and learn. We are a member of Accountable Now , a global platform that supports civil society organizations CSOs to be transparent, responsive to stakeholders and focused on delivering impact. To find out more about accountability, and safeguarding and transparency at Oxfam you can find our accountability reports in the key documents section below.
With global income of circa 1bn Euros and a reach of nearly 90 countries, we are fully aware that our challenges will be both operational and strategic. The extensive cultural and environmental disparities challenge conventional ways of delivery; it necessitates more contextualised approaches to tackling the risk of fraud and corruption.
Our strategic focus is geared to steer better fraud resilience of the confederation, while embracing the joint Oxfam values of inclusivity, empowerment and accountability. Oxfam does not tolerate fraud and corruption and is committed to ensure that its systems, procedures and practices reduce the risk of occurrences to an absolute minimum. We recognise that success in tackling fraud and corruption is contingent on more than one activity, at more than one level of the organisation.
Subsequently, we commit to the use of a holistic antifraud and corruption framework. This will be supported and embedded at every level, from projects, divisions, countries, regions and affiliates. This is also in line with our Code of conduct and our values.
If an employee, volunteer, partner, consultant or contractor suspects misconduct has, or is about to occur, we encourage them to communicate their suspicions without fear of reprisals and in the knowledge that they will be protected from victimization and dismissal.
All reports are confidential and we will only share the details with the appropriate team members to progress your complaint. Please see the data protection notice for information on how your information will be processed. Share buttons are a little bit lower. Thank you! Published by Christiana Randall Modified over 5 years ago. They form the Council of Trustees, which is the governing body of the Association of Oxfam a not-for-profit limited- liability company. They are appointed because of their commitment to Oxfam and their experience and skills which enable them to undertake the responsibilities of trusteeship of a large and complex charity.
There is a board of trustees in each country that Oxfam raises funds. It is too large to be a sole trader and is a non profit making company so other commercial forms of ownership are not suitable. Limited Companies A limited company is a separate legal entity from its members. This means the company can raise funds in its own right and any debt incurred. How does ownership work? The Voluntary Sector. The voluntary sector is made up of 2 main types of organisations: Charities - Can you think of any examples?
Voluntary Organisations.