What was flax used for in biblical times

Flax seeds are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids. In addition, flax seed is also a source of manganese, fiber, magnesium, folate, cooper, phosphorus, and Vitamin B. See, www. According to www. Omega-3 fats are used to produce substances that reduce the formation of blood clots, which can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients with atherosclerosis or diabetic heart disease. Omega-3 fats are also needed to produce flexible cell membranes. Cell membranes are the cell's gatekeepers, allowing in needed nutrients while promoting the elimination of wastes.

In the colon, omega-3 fats help protect colon cells from cancer-causing toxins and free radicals, leading to a reduced risk for colon cancer. In large doses, or when taken with inadequate water, flaxseed may precipitate bowel obstruction via a mass effect. Flaxseed oil contains oil the alpha-linolenic acid component of flaxseed, and not the fiber or lignin components.

Therefore, flaxseed oil may share the purported lipid-lowering properties of flaxseed, but not the proposed laxative or anti-cancer abilities.

The Scriptures teach explicitly the significance of linen when used as clothing; it is the righteousness or righteous acts of saints.

Put another way, it represents personal holiness and suggests that the person clothed in linen is in a condition suitable to approach God. In fact, one of the synonyms for a priest is one who "wears the linen ephod. The Dakotas produce much of the flax seed grown in the United States. Flax Flax was the most important plant fiber in Bible times because it was used to make linen. Flax and Linen References.

Plants Images. Plant Photo Index. Plant Resources. A to Z Index Directories. While we know this in theory, how many of us have actually seen it done? It was a common and quite enjoyable sight in the countryside over there to see white flecks dotting the pastures.

I did anyway! Disclaimer: While I enjoyed this particular video and wanted to share it with you, this does not mean that I endorse every video on this channel. Did you enjoy that? Did you learn anything from it? I think it is obvious from all of the effort she put in to making a few inches of yarn that it is a slow and tedious process.

I knew even less about turning flax into fabric than I did about turning wool into yarn. The extent of my flax usage has been to cook with flax seeds, and these seeds had already been prepared. Quite possibly you already know more about it than I do! Instead, I will let you watch this lovely video and see the process for yourself.

Oh, and if you thought turning wool into yarn was hard, then you really should watch this. There are even more steps involved in working with flax. We usually do word studies on our Proverbs 31 posts , but this verse had mostly straightforward words in it. So instead of studying the words, I think it was nice to study these processes and what was meant by seeking wool and flax.

I hope you do now after watching those videos! Wool and flax were both used for making fabric in Bible days they still are for that matter. From clothing, to bedding, to table linens, to so much more, we all use fabric. The Proverbs 31 woman was willing to do the work involved that it took to supply fabric for her family. While there still are some people who enjoy doing things the old fashioned way and producing their own fabrics and threads, this is the exception rather than the rule.

Anyway, since most of us do not raise sheep and grow flax, what can we take from this verse that we can apply to our lives? I think that we can learn a few lessons from this verse.

There is a lot more involved here than the actual processes of wool and flax. These have principles that go with them. For one thing, in a very literal sense, it is the job of the homemaker to make sure that her family is clothed and has the household linens that they need.

Whether it is by sewing, shopping or whatever means you choose to find clothing, it does take time, effort, and money. The Proverbs 31 woman is not afraid of this task, even if it means digging through the racks of clothes, trying to find something that is modest. Yes, having things to wear is a part of each of our lives, and it does take work. But do you know what?


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