Why god closes door
You supposed to meet up with someone but they cancel the last minute. Back to back these events keep occurring and you wonder why. Is it possible that God is trying to tell you something? Be sure that you align your plans with the will of God and only walk in when God has opened the door.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Sometimes we want to do things that are not even an option for us. We silly humans. So, passing by Mysia, they went down to Troas. My Daily Devotion Everyday a step closer to Christ. Why would God close a door? The image of a door always speaks to me of so many life lessons. This is a great perspective, Betsy. We often thank God when he opens a door, but we should be just as grateful when he closes the wrong one.
I want all the help I can get with decisions, so if he wants to narrow them down for me, I should say thank you. Betsy, God has opened and closed many doors in my lifetime. Sometimes I think that I would have settled for less than the very best had God not closed a door. Having had doors close, and having to warily walk through opened doors has taught me a level of trust I could have never learned any other way. Wait and Trust…. Blessings, Bev xx. Blessings to you, friend. Such encouragement, Betsy.
Since my book proposal will be sent to publishers for review this spring, I will keep this gem in mind. Thanks for sharing! I hope He opens them! Shut the door and lock it! I could tell you story along with all the others of God closing doors, the lessons learned, how to wait, how to listen, how to be discerning, how to gather wisdom, how to be joyful in those time, how to…well I could go on and on.
It reminded me of our year of trying to decide what country God wanted us to go to under New Tribes Mission. I stool looking at all of and God said in my mind, I have enough lost for all these mission boards. So we got moving with our schooling and the mission board ask us to go to Bolivia even though we had picked Papua New Guinea.
Seven years in Bolivia and then we were ask to go to PNG…He does give us our hearts desires, we just wanted to serve Him overseas…great post. PS just wanted to say I am still learning those lessons…but my confidence has grown in teh learning process of His ways instead of mine are so much better.
Thanks for sharing it. I guess God not only has the right doors for us, but also the right timing for each door. I love how He opened that door to PNG later. We are at a similar place right now with our oldest daughter. She graduates from university in 2 weeks and she is still up in the air with details and where she goes next.
In the last few days a good opportunity has opened up and she is walking through that door for now. November 14, The Problem of Unmet Needs. November 13, Is It a Need or a Desire? God promises to meet the needs of faithful believers, and He even fulfills some desires that align with His will—but we must not confuse the two. November 12, This is the truth proclaimed in all of Scripture.
It is revealed as the Creator walks toward the wayward couple in the cool of the garden, it is the Shekinah of God traveling with Israel through the struggles of the Exodus; it is the truth that God was never away from the sufferings of Job, even though that is how it felt.
But more than anything, it is a truth fully revealed in Jesus. We uncover this truth when Jesus comes to us wrapped in vulnerability and when he hangs on the cross, taking all pain and frustrations upon himself.
God is closer and more active than we realize. God does not sit on a distant cloud, away from the messiness of our life, hoping that we will grasp whatever lifeline he happens to throw our way. God, who is rich in love and mercy, dwells with us. He walks with us. He cries with us. Christians look not to open windows. We look to our incarnate Lord. So, the next time someone you know finds themselves facing the brunt of unpredictable life, do not attempt to comfort them by some lame appeal to a mystical way out of their circumstance.
Rather, point them to the biblical truth of the loving God that surrounds them no matter what life throws at them. Remind them that they need not fear the terrors of night or the arrows that fly by day because God alone is our rest and our fortress Psalm This is, and will always be, our ultimate comfort and hope in life.
He has a doctorate in Spiritual Formation and is often asked to write or speak on the nature of the Christian community, and the role of Spiritual disciplines in Christian life. His personal blog can be found here.