Ff13 2 how old is noel
Cancel X. Topic Archived Page 1 2 3 4 of 4 Next Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. User Info: Hitzkolpf. User Info: Phophenomenon. Umm yeah? Edward is like hundreds of years old and he married Bella when she was Sounds nasty. User Info: Xovian. User Info: Ladysoalluring. Noel is I couldn't do it" - Vanille. User Info: madapocket. Coming from a future where humanity is almost extinct, he has some trouble with his speech, so he tends to speak in a straightforward manner.
He is excited to explore new places and meet new people, and is defined by his determination to protect others, evident by how he is protective towards Serah despite hardly knowing her. He asserts himself to others, and remains calm and collected when facing people with provoked anger, such as the members of NORA.
Noel stands by his beliefs and morals, and as a remnant from his upbringing, values life and is reluctant to hurt or kill others unless necessary. This initially makes him dislike Snow Villiers for his brash personality, and having his head in the clouds believing in self-sacrifice.
He no longer feels anyone's death adds to his already-burdened conscience, though his attitude of killing only when necessary remains in his work as a vigilante. Noel is more serious, determined, and aggressive than he was years before, though he partially returns to his old self after Lightning helps him let go of his guilt.
Heroes Wiki. Heroes Wiki Explore. He's chewing Snow out and acting like a jealous lover. He's practically up in everyone's face. The only 2 people he does respect is Hope and Lightning. If its not about some whiny remark about Snow and Serah's relationship. Its some pity remark about saving the future and Serah just naively follows a long.
Here's what I don't get. Not only is Noel obviously uneducated. It surprises me how Serah is so naive to believe every line he feeds her. Sure, Noel isn't a bad guy, but he's a very poor one. He lacks the skill of keeping his mouth shut. He always has an opinion in the game. Nothing constructive.
What irritates me more But Squawl, being one of the smartest characters in FF8, if he didn't have anything to say, he didn't comment. If he did, it was something useful. Another thing that irritates me is how much FF makes this idiot and Serah look like a couple. A huge quality that really makes me hate Noel it that he always tries to be a white knight and I mean literally, but he fails horribly at it.
I swear Square Enix did not give his character some thought. He's some idiot that comes out of no where. Tells everyone hows he's going to fix the future than he and Serah ride off in the sun set. He's rebellious and he heads on into things with out thinking.
He makes a promise to all of Serah's friends that he can't keep. Serah dies at the end. Lightning says Caius plans to kill Etro while she sleeps in Valhalla and unleash chaos into the world through an unseen doorway that opens for the souls of the departed to create a timeless world. Lightning says that in AF, Caius will attempt to bring down the old Cocoon and Hope's new one in one fell swoop.
Mog reveals the final Time Gate and Lightning returns to Valhalla. Noel, Mog, and Serah travel to Academia in AF, the time of the prophecy of Cocoon's fall, and hear Yeul's voice telling them not to fight Caius and risk killing Etro. Caius enters Academia from Valhalla to battle them and a wormhole opens in the sky.
Caius in his Chaos Bahamut form flies into it. Noel, Mog, and Serah jump into the wormhole and emerge in Valhalla. Odin saves them from their fall before they face off against Caius on the beach. Noel tries to convince him Yeul wanted to be reborn so she could be with him, but Caius does not listen and Noel cuts him down. Caius transforms into Jet Bahamut and Noel covers Serah from its blast. As they fall into the bottomless abyss beneath Valhalla's waves of chaos, they are saved by Lightning.
Caius claims to have killed Lightning, but Noel knows he is lying. Noel disarms Caius when he threatens Serah, but stops himself from impaling him at the last second. Caius forces Noel's blade through his chest, telling him to bear the burden of the eternal paradox. Noel laments how Caius had been consumed by sorrow and despair due to watching so many Yeuls die over the centuries, and how he sought to die in Valhalla.
Noel places Caius's sword as a grave marker, hoping his former mentor finds peace. After the gate to Valhalla closes, Serah thanks Noel, but has another vision and dies in his arms.
Noel remembers Caius's words about the Heart of Chaos, Etro's own heart that had been given to Caius eons ago, realizing he played into Caius's scheme and killed the goddess as Gran Pulse and Bhunivelze are infected by chaos. Five hundred years ago, I committed the ultimate sin. One more death on my conscience won't do anything to me. Aiding Snow in hunting monsters, Noel felt helping people would allow him to atone for his mistakes, but Snow never blaming him for Serah's death became too much for Noel to bear, and after Hope disappeared, Noel lost contact with Snow.
When the Order of Salvation —followers of the God of Light Bhunivelze who has promised to create his followers a new world—arose as the new authority in Nova Chrysalia, Noel was suspicious of them. He sneaked into the Luxerion Cathedral to warn them, gaining the title of Shadow Hunter.
Learning Snow had accepted the title of "Patron" from the Order angered Noel, and he refused to consider Snow's side of the story. When the rumors of the savior began to spread, a mysterious girl called Lumina appeared along with an Oracle Drive containing a fake prophecy of Noel killing Lightning and being reunited with Yeul in a new world. Noel had become consumed by guilt, feeling responsible for the world's current state and Serah's death.
He became a vigilante in Luxerion and developed a reputation as a deadly swordsman and an enemy of the Order, gaining a following in the Children of Etro , a cult that worships the late goddess. Noel witnesses Lightning's arrival in Luxerion and stalks her as she investigates the murders of pink-haired women in the city being committed by a group of fanatical followers of Etro, collectively known as the Children of Etro. When Lightning finds an Oracle Drive, Noel ambushes and briefly clashes with her while Lumina watches with amusement.
Noel explains the prophecy says Lightning needs to die by his hand, but runs off as it is not yet time for him to kill her. When Lightning saves the newest victim of the Children of Etro, Noel aids her in dispatching the cultists and tells them he has no affiliation with "fanatics with blood on their hands.
Lightning finds him by another Oracle Drive, viewing the prophecy and reaffirming his belief that he must kill her. Lightning comes to understand Noel is obsessed with the prophecy for the hope of meeting Yeul again. Provoked by Lightning, and believing that one final death on his conscience means nothing, Noel attacks her. However, when he gets an opening to strike at Lightning, he destroys the Oracle Drive instead, knowing that killing Lightning is not what Yeul would want.
He realizes that while Yeul never gave up hope, he himself gave into his guilt, letting it dictate his decisions. Yeul's spirit appears from the damaged Oracle Drive to tell him they'll be reunited soon, giving Noel closure as Lightning saves his soul.
Noel asks if Bhunivelze's new world will be a paradise, but Lightning says it will be a world where people will simply live and work together. Noel decides to stop living in the shadows, and departs on good terms, Lightning having understood his motives. Later, she can spot him around Luxerion helping out the citizens. On the evening of Nova Chrysalia's final day Noel arrives at the Luxerion Cathedral and saves Lightning from a Chimera , curious as to why she is fighting the Order.
Noel concludes there could be only one reason she would turn against Bhunivelze: to save Serah. Noel fights alongside her and stays behind to hold off Bhunivelze's devouts and monsters while Lightning rushes to stop the Soulsong , a ritual that would obliterate the dead, including Serah's soul.
Lightning succeeds, but Noel and the others are captured by Bhunivelze with their souls sealed in his body. Lightning travels to Cosmogenesis to face Bhunivelze and frees Noel and the other souls and they work together to defeat Bhunivelze. After Bhunivelze's defeat, he finds Yeul and her past lives who have agreed to remain in the forming unseen realm to fill the late Etro's position in maintaining the cycle of reincarnation and thus the stability of the new world.
Noel protests to their choice, and Caius, still alive due to having become a manifestation of Chaos itself, asks if he would rather take Etro's place than let Yeul be bound to another fate. When Noel is willing to take the burden, Caius tosses him away from the forming black hole as Nova Chrysalia collapses, alongside Yeul's final incarnation from Noel's time, ultimately fulfilling the promise she had made to him as they depart for the new world together.
In the new world, the reborn Noel and Yeul move to the subtropics where they live in a two-story wooden house near a busy marketplace, as after an age of loneliness they find the sight of people comforting.
They are visited by Aoede , a reporter who investigates stories of people having memories of another world, and Noel relates his story from the old world's alternate timeline in AF to being the Shadow Hunter in Luxerion. Noel admits his time of dwelling in regret over Serah's death in Nova Chrysalia gave him an understanding in Caius's motivation to destroy the world.
After the interview the three have lunch at the market and Noel gently watches over Yeul as she dances in reverie of all the sights. Before Aoede leaves Noel directs her to Fang and Vanille. Outside his original appearance, he mainly wields the ice element. Noel is geared toward high Strength and HP, as opposed to Serah's better proficiency in magic. Noel begins with the Commando , Ravager , and Sentinel roles.