How does g11 gun work
Gas tapped from the barrel cycles the cylinder drive system with gas pushing a piston back to act on a series of gears which rotated the rotary breech from horizontal to vertical to allow a new cartridge to drop into the breech. There was a vent for high pressure gas underneath the butt stock this prevented pressure build up and mitigated some of the thermal build up. The G11 K1 was tested by the German Army in the late s with adoption planned for the early s.
However, the fall of the Berlin Wall in and the collapse of the Soviet Union in meant that West Germany no longer had the huge amount of funds needed to field the G At the same time the ACR program ended inconclusively and the G11 project was finally abandoned. Regardless of this the G11 is a fascinating footnote in small arms history representing a false start along a technological avenue which, with the Lightweight Small Arms Technologies LSAT program, may still prove fruitful.
Matt recently had the opportunity to disassemble a G11 and get a look inside the action. In this special video and accompanying full-length article he explains how the rifle strips and how it works! Check out the video here. If you enjoyed the video and this article please consider supporting our work here. Length: 75cm The G11 Rifle. HK Factory Brochure, source. Our thanks to the collections that hold these examples of the G While one wishes to remain anonymous, we would like to thank the Dutch Military Museum for access to their G Please do not reproduce photographs taken by Matthew Moss without permission or credit.
Later videos for the internals… and do photographs preferably with steel scale for reference come along with them? Like Like. We will definitely do the best we can with regards to the photos and a disassembly video!
Does that include the seemingly few remaining cartridge collectors? I would be far beyond delight to have an example in my collection! The recoil was also controlled by a special spring buffer system that allowed the barrel and action of the gun to recoil backwards up to 4 inches inside its stock before the operator felt the recoil.
Once the breech and barrel assembly is removed from the body, the complexity becomes overwhelming. In comparison to the AK rifles, used by Communist forces, the G11 had more than twice the number of parts.
Compared to this Soviet simplicity, the G11 was an engineering marvel, but how this incredibly complex design would have fared in combat will forever be a mystery. At the heart of the G11 is what looks like a clump of disks, cogs, gears, and springs. When firing, the gas from the previous shot pushes a piston, which rotates the breech upwards and allows a round to drop into the chamber, it then rotates back into alignment with the barrel and is ready to be fired.
Once the disk is lifted off and a number of levers have been moved, it is possible to lift out the cylinder itself. The chamber inside the cylinder is actually a replaceable part because with such a high rate of fire, the chamber has a service life of just 3, rounds—roughly 70 full magazines worth of ammunition.
It was politics. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in and the collapse of the Soviet Union two years later, West Germany began the process of reunification with the formerly communist East Germany, and the huge cost of this essentially made the adoption of the G11 impossible. Military spending was slashed and without the huge amount of cash needed to manufacture the new, incredibly complex rifle the future of the G11 evaporated along with the enemy it was designed to fight.
At the same time, the U. Today the U. Type keyword s to search. The Variable Zoom provides three zoom levels which can be used to get an extremely close view on distant targets. It's more versatile than the Low Power Scope since the idle sway can be steadied, and the Variable Zoom Scope has three zoom levels, with the lowest zoom level matching the Low Power Scope's innate zoom level. It's an upgrade over the Low Power Scope, but this attachment makes the G11 less effective overall since it has all the same disadvantages as the Low Power Scope.
The Variable Zoom Scope works well when using the G11 at ranges where it is hard to see targets, but not only are sightlines where enemies are that far away few and far between in Multiplayer, but the G11 isn't well fit for combat at that range, since the G11 will regularly need more than one burst to kill at the ranges where the Variable Zoom Scope is most useful.
Seeing how the G11 can only use optical attachments, Warlord is useless on the G11, as the two scope attachments cannot be used together, and the scope attachments are generally not very useful anyway. It comes with a Low Power Scope by default. The G11 is a fairly underpowered weapon in Zombies. The G11's strong suit it its accuracy, allowing the player to accurately take shots at zombies with its low recoil and the scope's low idle sway.
However the G11 has a low damage per shot, and the G11 tends to become weak around round 15 as its low damage to the body can leave the player vulnerable in between bursts. It becomes fully automatic and still features the Low Power Scope, but with no sway, also the reloads are sped up by half a second. Even when firing on full-auto at RPM, it still retains its low recoil making it more useful in close-quarter situations with its extremely high fire rate.
Double Tap Root Beer is strongly inadvisable because ammo will run short within a round, but Speed Cola is a very good choice as the G Generator will burn through a lot of ammo and the reload time is relatively long. It is almost the same as the console version except it does not have the Low Power Scope ; only the Pack-a-Punched version of the weapon has it. Call of Duty Wiki Explore. Cold War. Weapons in Explore Wikis Community Central.
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