How many people live in trier

Trier is one of cities in Germany and ranks 74 in the Germany population. Trier city population data has been obtained from public sources. On the Population HUB website you can find out the number of people in any of the regions of the Earth. Population HUB - this is an accessible statistics of the population of the country, city and any other region. Fast site work and constantly updated data. Thank you for choosing the Population HUB.

Earth population Population of Germany Population of Trier. GEOfy has developed a unique system of indicators that assesses every region in Germany in terms of the personal needs of individuals or the suitability of the region for certain groups of people, such as families, students or senior citizens.

Deutsch Why GEOfy? Imprint Data protection. Population figures about Trier in Rheinland-Pfalz. At GEOfy you can find information about inhabitants in Trier in Rheinland-Pfalz: total population, population density, average age and more. Total population.

Population density. Average age. Expats in Munich. Expats in Frankfurt. Expats in Duesseldorf. Expats in Essen. Expats in Cologne. Expats in Bonn. Expats in Regensburg. Expats in Heidelberg. Expats in Stuttgart.

Expats in Freiburg. Expats in Hannover. Expats in Nuremberg. Expats in Mannheim. Expats in Wiesbaden-Mainz. Expats in Bremen. Expats in Dresden. Expats in Aachen. Expats in Dortmund. Expats in Bochum. Expats in Leipzig. Expats in Karlsruhe. Expats in Augsburg. Expats in Darmstadt. Expats in Ingolstadt. Expats in Wolfsburg. Students love the Metropolis, a club near the Viehmarkt cattle market.

Lots of young people meet at the Zebra Club, which hosts student parties on a regular basis. The ancient Roman amphitheatre is the scene of numerous concerts and gladiator fights in the summer.

Operas are occasionally performed there as well. You can also attend concerts, workshops and other events at the cultural centre Alte Tuchfabrik, or TuFa for short. If you want a taste of European culture, you can easily skip over to Luxembourg for a day. The city-state is about half an hour away and definitely worth a visit. Konzerte Jazz Samt-undSeidestadt. Fuggerstadt Domstadt Mozartstadt.


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