Should i pick udina or anderson

And so on, many dialogues might lead to an entire new playthough inside one playthough, based on actions taken, that would be the same than multiple games inside one. As result the consequence system would be perfect, but this technique is not viable on the currently market, due piracy and other 3rd part elements that will result into a lesser amount of sells and profit, that would make not viable.

I wish we had great games more often, it seems the amount of such games that are released per year, isn't fast enough basing the amount of time needed to complete those games. I think we need more. Also I wanted to mention that I'm not a big fan from shooter genre, but I do like ME, due history quality. Last edited by DecayWolf ; 26 Jul, pm. Bioware has all the money they need to develop their games.

That's not their concern. I can't say much more. Why do you think a several billions won't make any difference?

Also when we speak about piracy and it's consequences, we also speak for for every game industry and studio, not bioware only, which will impact on final quality, content and price tag. I could also mention piracy overall, about how it affects world economy, like decreasing the coin power, employement ratio, and it's occurs many products, such music, clothes, etc.

But that would extent a lot the topic. This is a complex topic after all. EA will ultimately only fund a single game so much, and any more profits go to other projects. They're not going to fund a Mass Effect game by billions more. They have a schedule and a budget set. Its more than just money. I assure you. Agreed it's not only about money, like you said, each company has it's own schedule.

Perhaps EA could expand a little more, if they start receiving more money from games. From a utopia world, where everything is perfect and piracy doesn't exist. Not being realistic with the market. Anyways, that was just an theory from my part, to justify why some elements from ME aren't so deeper as the writting demand to be. Oh yeah ultimately it can be argued to just be about money, but in terms of EA's decisions, Mass Effect getting hypothetically no pirating probably doesn't change much.

It isn't very measurable, because they can't know how many who pirate would instead buy the game. They can just do their best to avoid pirating as they can. For the game budget, it will always have its limits and developers always always always have to cut things, since video games started existing.

It might have been good in some ways for ME2 and ME3 to have another year in development each, but that didn't happen, so there's a lot of rush to put whatever they CAN put into the game, put into it. I sincerely hope MEA to be a big hit, I'll keep following this franchise, certainly. Last edited by DecayWolf ; 27 Jul, am. Anderson FTW. I hate Udina even before ME3. Shepard's Paragon or Renegade decisions impact which conversation options are unlocked for players, and actions such as sparing Wrex and the Rachni Queen significantly shift events in the second and third games.

Other choices, however, are slightly more disappointing. What might seem like a big decision in the moment might actually turn out not to matter much at all when it comes to the overall timeline of the series, which can leave players feeling like their actions are pointless. One such example of a disappointingly useless decision comes at the tail end of Mass Effect 1. After Sovereign is defeated, humanity is given the opportunity to appoint a human member to the Citadel Council, regardless of whether the old Council survived the battle or not.

The decision comes down to either Anderson or Udina - but the repercussions in both cases are surprisingly short-lived. If Anderson is selected, he'll only serve on the Council in Mass Effect 2. After that, he leaves the position, meaning Udina is the human Councilor in Mass Effect 3 regardless of which choice was made in ME1.

Additionally, Anderson or Udina have so little focus in Mass Effect 2 that even then the decision feels lackluster to most fans. If you allowed the original Citadel Council to die and appoint Udina as the new councilor, your Spectre status will not be reinstated in ME2. This changes minor dialogue around Shepard's rank and powers. If you saved the original council, they will re-appoint Shepard as a Spectre if you wish , against Udina's wishes.

If you choose Anderson for the Council: Anderson remains a strong ally to Shepard in ME2, though his support is basically verbal and little else. Regardless of the fate of the original alien council members, Anderson will reinstate Shepard's Spectre status when you check in with him in ME2. Anderson clearly isn't very happy in the Councilor role, and will quit and be replaced by Udina before the events of ME3.

One of the tie-in Mass Effect novels tells the story of Anderson's decision to quit his duties on the Citadel.


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