What is the average of neptune

Neptune is the furthest away of the eight planets in our solar system so it receives very little heat from the Sun so you would imagine it would have the coldest temperatures of any of our planets. This picture of Neptune was produced by the Voyager 2 probe in as it sped away from the planet and into the outer solar system. The gases that remain in the atmosphere are mainly hydrogen and helium with a little bit of methane, which gives Neptune its vivid blue colour as seen in the Voyager 2 probe images the only spacecraft ever to have flown close to Neptune as it is more than 30 times further from the Sun than the Earth is.

The lowest temperature recorded there was minus degrees Celsius. Uranus has methane in its atmosphere too, but not as much as Neptune, so Neptune can stay a little warmer than Uranus can. Perahps you should take the article down, re-edit and then restore it. Or perhaps no one else noticed. They have. The Voyager 2 probe conducted a flyby in And Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus have been investigated by multiple probes.

The Earth in a typical basement in an average zone such as Ohio is in, has a temperature of 52 degrees F. This temperature remains constant in the summer. The temperature at the core is what? That could be off a little bit. Okay, temperatures at our surface of our planet vary considerably. Possibly any where from 40 degrees F. A lot of that is contributed by our relationship to the local Star we call the Sun. Now, if you have a core temperature as described in the article then at some point deep in the atmosphere you have a goldilocks zone on Neptune.

Which leads to the question as to whether or not liquid oceans could exist on Neptune with temperatures near Earth Normal at some depth. Anything above that depth would be far too cold.

Are the winds deep into the atmosphere or on top of some kind of ocean feature? If there is a goldilocks zone on Neptune, then given the near Earth normal gravity I would think life may be possible.

But for it to exist, then some form of plant life would also have to exist deep in the atmosphere itself. A key here may be the rocky core. Such a core at intense high temperatures may be giving the same effect as deep water volcanoes on Earth. Meaning that life may have evolved to meet the conditions on Neptune. Or not. The lack of viable visible radiation could keep that from happening or not.

Skip to content. Orbital Characteristics: Of all the planets in the Solar System, Neptune orbits the Sun at the greatest average distance. Like this: Like Loading ThAnK yOu to all the people that write this article because now i know more about neptune!!! Imagine Previous Post Previous Massive Ft. The temperatures, pressures, and materials that characterize this planet are most likely too extreme and volatile for organisms to adapt to.

With a radius of 15, If Earth were the size of a nickel, Neptune would be about as big as a baseball. From an average distance of 2. One astronomical unit abbreviated as AU , is the distance from the Sun to Earth. From this distance, it takes sunlight 4 hours to travel from the Sun to Neptune. One day on Neptune takes about 16 hours the time it takes for Neptune to rotate or spin once.

And Neptune makes a complete orbit around the Sun a year in Neptunian time in about Earth years 60, Earth days. Sometimes Neptune is even farther from the Sun than dwarf planet Pluto.

Pluto's highly eccentric, oval-shaped orbit brings it inside Neptune's orbit for a year period every Earth years. This switch, in which Pluto is closer to the Sun than Neptune, happened most recently from to Pluto can never crash into Neptune, though, because for every three laps Neptune takes around the Sun, Pluto makes two. This repeating pattern prevents close approaches of the two bodies.

This means that Neptune experiences seasons just like we do on Earth; however, since its year is so long, each of the four seasons lasts for over 40 years. Neptune has 14 known moons. Neptune's largest moon Triton was discovered on October 10, , by William Lassell, just 17 days after Johann Gottfried Galle discovered the planet.

Since Neptune was named for the Roman god of the sea, its moons are named for various lesser sea gods and nymphs in Greek mythology.

Triton is the only large moon in the solar system that circles its planet in a direction opposite to the planet's rotation a retrograde orbit , which suggests that it may once have been an independent object that Neptune captured. Triton is extremely cold, with surface temperatures around minus degrees Fahrenheit minus degrees Celsius.

And yet, despite this deep freeze at Triton, Voyager 2 discovered geysers spewing icy material upward more than 5 miles 8 kilometers. Triton's thin atmosphere, also discovered by Voyager, has been detected from Earth several times since, and is growing warmer, but scientists do not yet know why. Neptune has at least five main rings and four prominent ring arcs that we know of so far. Starting near the planet and moving outward, the main rings are named Galle, Leverrier, Lassell, Arago, and Adams.

The rings are thought to be relatively young and short-lived. Neptune's ring system also has peculiar clumps of dust called arcs. The arcs are strange because the laws of motion would predict that they would spread out evenly rather than stay clumped together. Scientists now think the gravitational effects of Galatea, a moon just inward from the ring, stabilizes these arcs. Neptune took shape when the rest of the solar system formed about 4.


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