What is the difference between revised and amended

Need even more definitions? Just between us: it's complicated. Ask the Editors 'Everyday' vs. What Is 'Semantic Bleaching'? How 'literally' can mean "figuratively". Literally How to use a word that literally drives some pe Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice? The awkward case of 'his or her'. Take the quiz. Our Favorite New Words How many do you know? Name That Thing Test your visual vocabulary with our question The Table of Contents tab, found on the right side of document pages, is a slide out menu which offers two methods of navigating through documents by selecting the appropriate tab.

The Headings tab displays the Table of Contents for the document which includes a list of headings, and the section number that follows each heading, that link to their exact location in Document View.

These links will take you to the equivalent page in the language specified. Just click on the PDF link provided. A Table of Provisions, which lists all provisions and associated section and page numbers, is included at the beginning of PDF documents. Clicking on a provision will link directly to its location within the document.

Bookmarks, which lists all headings and the section number that follows each heading, are displayed on the left side of the PDF viewer and allow for easy navigation by linking to provisions within the PDF document. In the Table of Contents page of the particular Act, the regulations under the Act, if any, are listed under the heading Regulations made under this Act. The Other Documents page, that listed the documents published in the Canada Gazette Part II, which are not made pursuant to any statutory authority, has been removed.

These documents, that include proclamations and orders in council, are now included in the Consolidated Regulations list. You can provide stable links to the content of the Justice Laws Website by using the method outlined on the How to Create Stable Links page. You can link to the table of contents, the full document or a particular section of any Act or regulation.

Breadcrumbs, located below the main Justice banner at the top of the page, are navigational links that allow you to keep track of where you are on the Justice Laws Website.

Breadcrumbs provide links back, in hierarchical order, to previous pages you have navigated through to get to the current page. Are the consolidated Acts and regulations the official versions? How often is the website updated? How current are the Acts and regulations? What does the last amended date mean? In what format are dates displayed on the Justice Laws Website? What does the shading of provisions mean? What are the citations found at the end of some sections and schedules?

What do the square brackets mean? What are the Amendments Not in Force? How can I see previous points in time for consolidated Acts and regulations?

How far back does the point-in-time data go? You will know whether the Bahasa Malaysia version is available if you see an option to change the language from English to Bahasa Malaysia at the top right of the screen beside the button 'Definitions". How can I find cases referring to a particular section of a legislation?

When you are viewing the legislation you are looking for, go to "Section Index" on the left side of the column and click on the section you are looking for. On the right column, on top of the text of the section, you will see the number of cases referred for that particular section if any.

Click on the "Cases referred" button to see the list of cases. I don't understand certain terms used in the CLJLaw website with regard to the legislation. Where can I get more information with regard to the terms used? A full Glossary of terms used is available and can be found by clicking on the "Legislation Updates" tab on our Home Page and clicking the link "Glossary" or after log in, go to the top bar menu and click "Glossary" and select "Legislation".

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for on this page please contact us at enquiries cljlaw. Can I search legislation by subject?

The option to search a legislation by subject is available by selecting "Legislation" under Search Criteria and then clicking "Advanced Search" on our Search page. We always welcome any feedback from our customers in order to improve our services. You can send us your feedback by clicking the "Feedback" tab on our Home Page or sending an email to enquiries cljlaw. Generally speaking, I'd say that laws are amended, programs are modified, and books and letters revised.

There are no hard-and-fast rules about this, and you'll be able to find plenty of exceptions, but some words are simply favored over other alternatives in certain contexts. Therefore, I'd be careful about labeling synonyms as "interchangeable.

Modify is the most generic. It means to make a change to something, not necessarily improving it in the process. Like change it can be used for anything. I modified my motorcycle to run on cooking oil instead of gasoline, but now everywhere I drive I smell like french fries.

In this sentence it's clear something has changed , but it's unclear whether I think the modification is an improvement. Revise means to change with the intent to improve in some way, and normally relates to documents or media. It can be used for things like personal opinions, but with the nuance that those are official points of view that may be on record. The commissioner said that, based on public feedback, she has revised her earlier regulation, and would now allow unrestricted use of the facility.

Amend is similar to revise , in that there is an intent to improve in some way. It is also normally generally restricted to things like documents or official opinions. However it also includes a nuance that you are adding something on, even if that is just additional perspective:.


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